Friday, January 21, 2011

Should parents be allowed to manipulate their children's DNA?
Alex Noble
I think gene the manipulation of DNA is wrong, because it isn't fair for the kids that are being manipulated.

    I am against the manipulation of DNA for several reasons. One of them is that there can be mistakes made that can ruin the baby. If the DNA isn’t changed correctly, then serious consequences will happen.
“There is no guarantee that the viral enzyme that is responsible for this step will be able to introduce the correct gene at the specific point in the host chromosome. In case, there is an error in this process, it would result in error in the genetic makeup of the cell and can result in serious disorders.”(full article)
This means that the enzyme the genetic engineers are inserting could be placed in the wrong section of the chromosome, that could cause genetic mutations and possibly cancer. That is a risk I would not want to take with my body or someones that couldn't consent.
    Another reason that gene therapy is a bad idea is that your bodies natural instinct is to reject the inserted DNA when it divides.
“Then there are problems with introducing therapeutic DNA and the rapidly dividing nature of certain cells that are hurdles in gene therapy providing long term benefits to patients. Due to this reason a patient may need to undergo multiple gene therapy treatments. But with this again comes the problem of the immune system. Once the immune system is triggered by a foreign body, it attacks the foreign body more aggressively when it invades the body next time.”
Would you really want to put something in your body that even your body knows is wrong? I think any rational person would know not to use gene therapy. Personally, I think it is a very bad choice.
A parent should think about the child’s feelings before attempting gene therapy. When the child grows up, the parents will eventually have to tell the kid about the procedure. It would make a kid feel like they were inadequate because their parents felt the need to change their body even before they knew each other.

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