Thursday, October 7, 2010

Response to David's Post about bullying

I found this quote on David Su’s Blog about bullying and how it should be stopped.
“Everyone should speak up when someone is in trouble. Students shouldn’t be afraid of the bully at all. i also suggest that teachers and the principle should pay more attention to each student. When using the internet, i suggest staying away from signing up for websites where random people can comment anonymously. When using Facebook or Myspace, make sure that the friends that you approve aren’t strangers.
Building a comfortable education where young adults are happy is important to their educational career. if bullying cannot be stopped, kids will live through their educational career in fear and depression similar to those in the civil rights movement and the girl that committed suicide. i understand that stopping bullying takes a large amount of time and effort. But, as long as everyone puts in some effort, it can be stopped permanently.”
    I think bullying is a big problem in schools today. Bullies make life miserable for their targets and I think it should be stopped. David’s suggestion that teachers and principals should pay attention to each student is a good idea except that at most schools there is not enough people to watch every student. Another one of David’s suggestions is to stay away from anonymous forums because people often troll on them. “In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.” It is important to set privacy settings on sites such as Facebook or Myspace so not everyone can comment on you pictures or posts.
    Bullying anonymously over the Internet can feel like a shield to bullies but it still really hurts the people that get bullied. If bullies dont see their victim face to face then it doesnt seem real to them. I would assume that most bullying happens online between people that dont even know each other in real life.

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