Friday, December 17, 2010

Overacheivers Reflection

When I think of top colleges, Harvard and Yale come to mind. Coincidentally, they are the top colleges in the country. That is part if the reasons I think that they are the top colleges. These are also the colleges that my extended family went to for some school and now they are successful doctors.  Harvard and Yale are special because they are both Ivy League schools. Ivy league schools are known for how hard they are to get into and the level of intelligence of people that go to them. When most people hear that someone graduated from an Ivy League school they instantly assume that they are of high intelligence.
    My dream University would be a social campus but also have strong academics. I would also prefer a modern looking campus with updated technology and professors that enjoy teaching. I would want the college to be located close to home but far enough away so I could live in an apartment or dormitory. On the other hand, I would love to go to school near the snow so I could be a snowboarding instructor or ski patrol. My dream university would be near a good ski resort. I would want the college to have courses relating to computers and programming or cinematography. The college would have a good student center to do homework and get supplies for college life. During my four years of college, I would hope to decide want I would want my profession to be and which graduate schoo1 I would go to. I would also like to make a tight group of friends that were interested in the same line of work as me, so we could go to the same classes, study together, and maybe even look for work together. I would also like to enjoy some safe, legal, celebrations after big events in the college world.

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